Yes it's true! Xanadu that epic movie that almost effectively killed Olivia Newton-John's career and did signal the end of the movie musical (until Moulin Rouge & Chicago brilliantly revived them!). Call that movie bad, call it awful, call it what-you-will, I'll just say I love it. The music is the best thing from that movie but come on who doesn't want a bunch of muses coming to life from a wall mural dancing around to E.L.O. while lined with a neon glow?
I spent countless hours watching that movie as a kid. My sister and I would re-enact the whole movie and have fights on who got to be Olivia or the black girl with the nub on top of her head in that infamous "I'm Alive" music sequence. Well it was like a dream come true to hear that they were bringing Xanadu to life again... and on BROADWAY!
I saw the musical this past Tuesday in NYC and it was amazing. Brilliant! They managed to make a parody of the movie but still remain true to the story. I did not stop laughing the entire time! It was like my wildest dream come true! Only I wish I had the genius to write this (** side note: I have ALWAYS thought they could make an amazing musical out of this!). They only used about five lines from the actually movie, watch it and you'll know why! But they used all of the amazing songs written by John Farrar and Jeff Lynne. Plus they added a few other songs written by them that weren't in the movie like: Have You Never Been Mellow and Evil Woman!
The cast was divine. Kerry Butler was magnificent as Kira! She got it, just perfectly. Of course the scene stealer of the entire play was Jackie Hoffman. She made me laugh just standing there! Her partner in crime, Mary Testa, was equally as funny! The night we saw it Curtis Holbrook was playing the part of Sonny because the original Sonny broke his leg during rehearsal. He was adorable and did a great job! Everyone in the cast was superb. If you get a chance to see it, GO!
There were so many priceless lines but here's one:
Sonny: I want to build a roller disco!
Kira: How timeless!
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